Are you a fan of Pokémon Unbound and looking to spice up your gameplay experience? Look no further! In this post, we will be discussing all there is to know about Pokémon Unbound cheats. We understand that using cheats can impact the gameplay experience, so we’ll also talk about responsible use.
From achieving unlimited Exp, modifying wild Pokémon nature, to utilizing bottle caps and dream mist – we have listed down all the cheats you could use for specific natures. We’ll also go over how to apply these cheats using emulators like Visual Boy and My Boy, as well as trading Pokémon using cheats on GBA ROMs. So get ready to unlock rare items and Pokémon with our comprehensive guide on Pokémon Unbound cheats.
Understanding Pokémon Unbound Cheats
Cheats in Pokémon Unbound enhance the gameplay experience by unlocking rare items and Pokémon. There are different types of cheats available in the game, which can help players overcome challenges and level up faster. However, it’s important to understand the impact of cheats on game progression.
By using cheats, players can obtain items like the Storage Key, Mega Items, and Z-move items. They can also catch enemy trainers’ Pokémon and encounter shiny Pokémon. Cheats are a valuable tool for players looking to add an extra layer of excitement and customization to their Pokémon Unbound experience.
Pokémon Unbound Cheats List
Mega Items (Game Shark)
Mega Items (Game Shark)

To achieve successful Mega Evolution for your Pokémon, it is crucial to prioritize completing the mission that awards you with the Mega Evolution capability at Tarmigan Mansion before anything else. This is essential because, even if you possess the required Mega Evolution Items and Stones, your Pokémon will remain unable to Mega Evolve without having completed this mission.
To enable Mega Evolution, follow these steps in the correct order:
- Start by entering the Master Code:
- Master Code: 000014D1 000A
- Next, input the specific Item code separately. These codes correspond to various Mega Evolution accessories. Obtain these items from the first item available for purchase at any Poke Mart:
- Mega Ring: 82003884 0161
- Mega Earing: 82003884 020F
- Mega Charm: 82003884 0210
- Mega Cuff: 82003884 0077
- Mega Bracelet: 82003884 0211
- Mega Anklet: 82003884 0212
- Mega Pendant: 82003884 0213
By adhering to this precise sequence, you will ensure that your Pokémon can successfully undergo Mega Evolution, enhancing their power and abilities in battles.
Mega Evolution Stones
Mega Evolution Stones

To enable Mega Evolution for your Pokémon, it is essential to complete the mission that grants Mega Evolution capabilities at Tarmigan Mansion. Without completing this mission, even if you possess the necessary Mega Evolution Items and Stones, your Pokémon won’t be able to Mega Evolve.
Follow these steps to activate Mega Evolution, and don’t forget that these are valuable Pokémon Unbound cheats:
- Begin by entering the Master Code:
- Master Code: 000014D1 000A
After inputting the Master Code, you should enter the specific Mega Stone Code separately. Replace “YYYY” with the name of the Pokémon you wish to Mega Evolve. Here’s a list of Mega Stone Codes for various Pokémon:
Mega Stone Codes
82003884 YYYY
01BE – Venusaurite
01BF – Charizardite X
01C0 – Charizardite Y
01C1 – Blastoisinite
01C2 – Beedrillite
01C3 – Pidgeotite
01C4 – Alakazite
01C5 – Slowbronite
01C6 – Gengarite
01C7 – Kangaskhite
01C8 – Pinsirite
01C9 – Gyaradosite
01CA – Aerodactylite
01CB – Mewtwonite X
01CC – Mewtwonite Y
01CD – Ampharosite
01CE – Steelixite
01CF – Scizorite
01D0 – Heracronite
01D1 – Houndoominite
01D2 – Tyranitarite
01D3 – Sceptilite
01D4 – Blazikenite
01D5 – Swampertite
01D6 – Gardevoirite
01D7 – Sablenite
01D8 – Mawilite
01D9 – Aggronite
01DA – Medichamite
01DB – Manectite
01DC – Sharpedonite
01DD – Cameruptite
01DE – Altarianite
01DF – Banettite
01E0 – Absolite
01E1 – Glalitite
01E2 – Salamencite
01E3 – Metagrossite
01E4 – Latiasite
01E5 – Latiosite
01E6 – Lopunnite
01E7 – Garchompite
01E8 – Lucarionite
01E9 – Abomasite
01EA – Galladite
01EB – Audinite
01EC – Diancite
Unlock All Badges
Unlock All Badges

Unlock all 8 Gym Badges, use the following cheat code:
EFCE867D 5403D40D
Please exercise caution when using this cheat, as it has been reported to potentially cause issues that prevent you from engaging in battles with gym leaders, thereby hindering your game progression. Use it wisely and at your own discretion.
One Hit Kill
One Hit Kill
C833D1A0 02FA7205
Input the code and you’ll instantly knock out the enemy Pokemon with moves that deal damage that will also hit.
Max Stats
Max Stats

To maximize the stats of your Pokémon, use the following cheat codes based on the position of the Pokémon in your party:
1st Pokemon:
- 420242DA03E7
- 000000070002
2nd Pokemon:
- 4202433E03E7
- 000000070002
3rd Pokemon:
- 420243A203E7
- 000000070002
4th Pokemon:
- 4202440603E7
- 000000070002
5th Pokemon:
- 4202446A03E7
- 000000070002
6th Pokemon:
- 420244CE03E7
- 000000070002
By using these cheat codes correctly, you can maximize the stats of the corresponding Pokémon in your party.
100% Catch Rate
100% Catch Rate
87ACF659 707466DC
8BB602F7 8CEB681A
Input the code and you’ll be able to catch Wild Pokemon at a 100% regardless of which Poke Ball you use.
Catch Enemy Trainer’s Pokemon
Catch Enemy Trainer’s Pokemon
To capture the enemy trainer’s Pokémon, use the provided cheat code. Remember to press L+R before throwing your preferred Poké Ball. Here’s the cheat code:
4D83B1BF E0F5F507 8E883EFF 92E9660D B6C5368A 08BE8FF4 90B4977C C0151DC2
This cheat allows you to catch the Pokémon of the opposing trainer during battles.
Encounter Shiny Pokemon
Encounter Shiny Pokemon

To consistently encounter Wild Shiny Pokémon, utilize the provided cheat code:
1670047D 04815C68
18452A7D DDE55BCC
Please be aware of the following considerations:
- In the newer Unbound version, the shiny appearance won’t be visible until you successfully catch the Shiny Pokémon.
- It may be necessary to visit a Pokémon Name Changer to rename your Shiny Pokémon after capturing it.
- Exercise caution when using this cheat in conjunction with the Wild Pokémon encounter cheat to avoid overusing it.
Poke Mart Items Cost 1
Poke Mart Items Cost 1

3C25A344 FD8F451C
AD86124F 2823D8DA
Input the code and all Poke Mart items will only cost 1.
Unlimited Money
Gain Unlimited Money

You can attain unlimited money in Pokémon Unbound by entering either of the following cheat codes, depending on your preferred cheat device:
For Game Shark:
For Code Breaker:
- Code 1: 820257BC 423F
- Code 2: 820257BE 000F
Utilizing any of these cheat codes will grant you access to unlimited funds, making it one of the most valuable Pokémon Unbound cheats for your in-game adventures.
Unlimited Rare Candies
Unlimited Rare Candies

Unlimited Master Balls
Unlimited Master Balls

To obtain Master Balls at no cost from the Poké Mart as the first available item, you can use either of the provided cheat codes:
Option 1:
Option 2 (Alternative):
By inputting these cheat codes, you’ll have access to free Master Balls in the Poké Mart. Enjoy the advantage of capturing any Pokémon you encounter with ease.
Unlimited Healing Items
Unlimited Healing Items
Replace the YYYY with the code of the desired Healing Items you want to get. The Healing Items can be bought from the Poke Mart as the first item.
82003884 YYYY
Healing Item Codes
000D = Potion
000E = Antidote
000F = Burn Heal
0010 = Ice Heal
0011 = Awakening
0012 = Parlyz Heal
0013 = Full Restore
0014 = Max Potion
0015 = Hyper Potion
0016 = Super Potion
0017 = Full Heal
0018 = Revive
0019 = Max Revive
Unlimited Poke Balls
Unlimited Poke Balls

Replace the YYYY with the code of the desired Poke Balls you want to get. The balls can be bought from the Poke Mart as the first item.
82003884 YYYY
Poke Ball Codes
0005 = Safari Ball
0006 = Net Ball
0007 = Dive Ball
0008 = Nest Ball
0009 = Repeat Ball
000A = Timer Ball
000B = Luxury Ball
000C = Premier Ball
Unlimited TM/HM
Unlimited TM/HM

Unlimited Evolution Items
Unlimited Evolution Items

To acquire Evolution Items from the Poké Mart, follow these steps:
- Input the Master Code first:
- Master Code: 000014D1 000A
- After entering the Master Code, input the specific Evolution Item code separately. Replace “YYYY” with the code for the Evolution Item you desire.
- Life Orb: 82003884 0037
- Toxic Orb: 82003884 0038
- Flame Orb: 82003884 0039
- Black Sludge: 82003884 003A
- Gigantamax Powder: 82003884 003B
- Honey: 82003884 0048
- Light Clay: 82003884 005A
- Link Stone: 82003884 005B
- Magma Stone: 82003884 005C
- Sun Stone: 82003884 005D
- Moon Stone: 82003884 005E
- Fire Stone: 82003884 005F
- Thunder Stone: 82003884 0060
- Water Stone: 82003884 0061
- Leaf Stone: 82003884 0062
- Dusk Stone: 82003884 0063
- Dawn Stone: 82003884 0064
- Shiny Stone: 82003884 0065
- Oval Stone: 82003884 0066
- Ice Stone: 82003884 0069
- Shiny Charm: 82003884 0279
- Catching Charm: 82003884 0173
- Oval Charm: 82003884 0278
- Once you’ve entered the specific Evolution Item code, visit any Poké Mart to obtain the Evolution Item. It will be available as the first item for sale.
By following these instructions, you can easily obtain Evolution Items to aid in the evolution of your Pokémon in Pokémon Unbound.
Unlimited Z Move Items
Unlimited Z Move Items

To acquire Z Move Items for free from the Poké Mart, input the specific code corresponding to the Z Move Item you desire. Here are the codes for various Z Move Items:
- NORMALIUM Z: 82003884 029E
- FIGHTINIUM Z: 82003884 029F
- FLYINIUM Z: 82003884 02A0
- POISONIUM Z: 82003884 02A1
- GROUNDIUM Z: 82003884 02A2
- ROCKIUM Z: 82003884 02A3
- BUGINIUM Z: 82003884 02A4
- GHOSTINUM Z: 82003884 02A5
- STEELIUM Z: 82003884 02A6
- FIRIUM Z: 82003884 02A7
- WATERIUM Z: 82003884 02A8
- GRASSIUM Z: 82003884 02A9
- ALORICHIUM Z: 82003884 02B0
- DECIDIUM Z: 82003884 02B1
- EEVIUM Z: 82003884 02B2
- INCINIUM Z: 82003884 02B3
- KOMMONIUM Z: 82003884 02B4
- LUNALIUM Z: 82003884 02B5
- LYCANIUM Z: 82003884 02B6
- MEWNIUM Z: 82003884 02B7
- MIMIKIUM Z: 82003884 02B9
- PIKANIUM Z: 82003884 02BA
- PIKASUNIUM Z: 82003884 02BB
- PRIMARIUM Z: 82003884 02BC
- SNORLIUM Z: 82003884 02BD
- SOLGANIUM Z: 82003884 02BE
- TAPUNIUM Z: 82003884 02BF
After entering the specific code for the Z Move Item you want, visit the Poké Mart to obtain it for free. This cheat allows you to access these powerful Z Moves without any cost.
Unlimited Misc Items
Unlimited Misc Items

To access a wide range of items from the Poké Mart, input the specific code corresponding to the item you want. Replace “YYYY” with the code for your desired item. Here is a list of some miscellaneous item codes for your reference:
- Fresh Water: 82003884 001A
- Soda Pop: 82003884 001B
- Lemonade: 82003884 001C
- MooMoo Milk: 82003884 001D
- Energy Powder: 82003884 001E
- Energy Root: 82003884 001F
- Heal Powder: 82003884 0020
- Revival Herb: 82003884 0021
- Ether: 82003884 0022
- Max Ether: 82003884 0023
- Elixer: 82003884 0024
- Max Elixer: 82003884 0025
- Lava Cookie: 82003884 0026
- Blue Flute: 82003884 0027
- Yellow Flute: 82003884 0028
- Red Flute: 82003884 0029
- Black Flute: 82003884 002A
- White Flute: 82003884 002B
- Berry Juice: 82003884 002C
- Sacred Ash: 82003884 002D
- Shoal Salt: 82003884 002E
- Shoal Shell: 82003884 002F
- Red Shard: 82003884 0030
- Blue Shard: 82003884 0031
- Yellow Shard: 82003884 0032
- Green Shard: 82003884 0033
- HP Up: 82003884 003F
- Protein: 82003884 0040
- Iron: 82003884 0041
- Carbos: 82003884 0042
- Calcium: 82003884 0043
- Rare Candy: 82003884 0044
- PP Up: 82003884 0045
- Zinc: 82003884 0046
- PP Max: 82003884 0047
- Guard Spec: 82003884 0049
- Dire Hit: 82003884 004A
- X Attack: 82003884 004B
- X Defend: 82003884 004C
- X Speed: 82003884 004D
- X Accuracy: 82003884 004E
- X Special: 82003884 004F
- Poke Doll: 82003884 0050
- Fluffy Tail: 82003884 0051
- Super Repel: 82003884 0053
- Max Repel: 82003884 0054
- Escape Rope: 82003884 0055
- Repel: 82003884 0056
- Tiny Mushroom: 82003884 0067
- Big Mushroom: 82003884 0068
- Pearl: 82003884 006A
- Big Pearl: 82003884 006B
- Stardust: 82003884 006C
- Star Piece: 82003884 006D
- Nugget: 82003884 006E
- Heart Scale: 82003884 006F
- Bright Powder: 82003884 00B3
- White Herb: 82003884 00B4
- Macho Brace: 82003884 00B5
- Exp Share: 82003884 00B6
- Quick Claw: 82003884 00B7
- Soothe Bell: 82003884 00B8
- Mental Herb: 82003884 00B9
- Choice Band: 82003884 00BA
- King’s Rock: 82003884 00BB
- Silver Powder: 82003884 00BC
- Amulet Coin: 82003884 00BD
- Cleanse Tag: 82003884 00BE
- Soul Dew: 82003884 00BF
- Deep Sea Tooth: 82003884 00C0
- Deep Sea Scale: 82003884 00C1
- Smoke Ball: 82003884 00C2
- Everstone: 82003884 00C3
- Focus Band: 82003884 00C4
- Lucky Egg: 82003884 00C5
- Scope Lens: 82003884 00C6
- Metal Coat: 82003884 00C7
- Leftovers: 820038
Unlimited PP
Unlimited PP

42023C08 6363
00000002 0002
Input the code and your Pokemon will never run out of PP for all of its Moves.
Unlimited EXP (Code Breaker)
Unlimited EXP (Code Breaker)
Input the Master Code first and input the EXP code separately. Defeat a Pokemon and you’ll have unlimited EXP. Just turn off the code to stop getting EXP.
Master Code
EXP Code
Wild Pokemon Nature Modifier
Wild Pokemon Nature Modifier
To set a specific Nature for the Wild Pokémon you encounter, use the following cheat codes:
- Input the First Code:
- First Code: AA3BB0ED 41CD5D95
- Input the Specific Nature Code you want from the list below by replacing the “XXXX” with the corresponding Nature code:
- Hardy: D0E34D66 5796A7D3
- Lonely: D73BC50A 5F47AA0E
- Brave: E485844D 2F24038C
- Adamant: 5EB8DEEE 692ED298
- Naughty: 83286B46 6479AA98
- Bold: 35EB915F 08F33974
- Docile: A58F6F1B BFB13FEF
- Relaxed: 34027F23 7E7E1599
- Impish: CDA2AB99 F89D5BB9
- Lax: D593BF29 E18AAAE5
- Timid: 1BC372C9 06B4D17F
- Hasty: D4950A99 D729D80A
- Serious: 93F04759 F95753D9
- Jolly: E9EC2CBF A7EDD4A7
- Naive: 56F744B0 37E16732
- Modest: E1EB2109 4480C28D
- Mild: A2461E51 304137B6
- Quiet: 0456554B 66D3AAF9
- Bashful: B05B4CCD A0A1505B
- Rash: 909149AB 2DE8726A
- Calm: 31F62F82 D9A0C100
- Gentle: 9A41D845 41B93FE6
- Sassy: D47DA721 6C3B9FFC
- Careful: 1A15BF1E E72650E4
- Quirky: 5A7B2626 21ECD183
By using these cheat codes with the corresponding Nature code, you can encounter Wild Pokémon with the desired Nature in Pokémon Unbound.
Wild Pokemon Gender Modifier
Wild Pokemon Gender Modifier
Input the code of the gender that you want to encounter.
Female Code
EB34F751 A96B854D
78DA95DF 44018CB4
Male Code
EB34F751 A96B854D
141BB87C 83D7018F
Note: The cheat doesn’t override the shiny cheat, so if your shiny code locks shinies to males the female code won’t work.
Universal Cheats (These cheats are compatible with the latest version of Unbound as well)
Bottle Caps and Dream Mist (Shared by Kaiza)
Bottle Caps and Dream Mist (Shared by Kaiza)
Here are the cheat instructions and codes for obtaining items in Pokémon Unbound:
Instructions: After activating the cheat, visit the Poké Mart and purchase the first item in the buy list.
- Bottle Cap: 82003884 0268
- Golden Bottle Cap: 82003884 0268
- Dream Mist: 82003884 0059
Special thanks to Kaiza for providing these cheat codes.
Wishing piece, Shiny Charm, and Memory (Shared by Paul)
Wishing piece, Shiny Charm, and Memory (Shared by Paul)
82025804 0058 Wishing piece
82025804 0279 shiny charm
82025804 0280 toxic Memory
82025804 0281 Earth Memory
82025804 0282 Rock Memory
82025804 0283 Bug Memory
82025804 0284 Ghost Memory
82025804 0285 Steel Memory
82025804 0286 Fire Memory
82025804 0287 Water Memory
82025804 0288 Grass Memory
82025804 0289 Zap Memory
Thanks to Paul for sharing these codes
Responsible Use of Cheats
While cheats can be a fun addition to your gameplay, it’s important to use them responsibly. By balancing the use of cheats, you can maintain a fair gameplay experience. Avoid relying too heavily on cheats, as this can diminish the challenge and satisfaction of the game. Instead, utilize cheats to explore and experiment, without disrupting the integrity of the game. It’s crucial to respect the developer’s intent while enjoying cheats. By strategically incorporating cheats, you can enhance your personal gameplay satisfaction. Remember, cheats are meant to enhance your experience, not replace it.
How to Apply Pokémon Unbound Cheats?
Exploring the process of applying cheats in Pokémon Unbound, including different methods and cheat devices. Step-by-step instructions and troubleshooting common issues are provided to enable cheat codes in the game.
Using Cheats with Visual Boy Emulator
Unlocking rare items and Pokémon in Pokémon Unbound is made easier with cheat codes. By using the master code, you can activate a wide range of cheats in the game. One such cheat allows you to get unlimited rare candies, making it a breeze to level up your Pokémon quickly. Additionally, cheat codes grant access to powerful mega evolution items, providing your team with a competitive edge. And if you’re up for some extra excitement, you can even catch enemy trainers’ Pokémon using cheat codes. The Visual Boy Emulator is a great tool to leverage these cheats and enhance your gameplay experience.
Applying Cheats with My Boy Emulator
If you’re looking to enhance your Pokémon Unbound gameplay, the My Boy Emulator is a great tool to apply cheat codes. With these cheats, you can unlock rare items and Pokémon, such as master balls and shiny Pokémon. Need unlimited healing? Cheat codes allow you to have an endless supply of potions and revives. Plus, you can easily obtain all gym badges for bragging rights. So why wait? Take your Pokémon adventure to the next level with cheat codes on the My Boy Emulator. Catch ’em all!
Trading Pokémon using Cheats on GBA ROM
Want to trade Pokémon like a pro in Pokémon Unbound? With the help of cheat codes, you can unlock a whole new world of trading possibilities. Use cheat codes to obtain exclusive and legendary Pokémon that you wouldn’t be able to get otherwise. Tired of searching for that shiny Pokémon? Just use cheat codes to trade for one. Plus, with cheat codes, you can quickly complete your Pokédex by trading Pokémon with specific stats and movesets. So why wait? Dive into the world of cheat codes and start trading like a master.
Final Thoughts on Pokémon Unbound Cheats
Experimenting with cheat codes in Pokémon Unbound can greatly enhance your gaming experience. It’s important to use these cheats responsibly and for added enjoyment. By trying out different cheat codes, you can discover new possibilities within the gameplay and unlock rare Pokémon and items. Just remember to save your progress before applying cheats to avoid any data loss. So go ahead and enjoy the exciting features that cheat codes offer in Pokémon Unbound and make the most of your gaming adventure.
In conclusion, while cheats can enhance the gameplay experience in Pokémon Unbound, it is crucial to use them responsibly. Cheating should not undermine the challenge and satisfaction of the game. It is recommended to only use cheats for specific purposes, such as unlocking rare items or obtaining specific Pokémon with desired natures.
Remember, cheating excessively or using cheats that alter the game too significantly can diminish the overall enjoyment and sense of accomplishment. If you choose to use cheats, make sure to follow the proper methods based on your emulator and ROM. With responsible use, Pokémon Unbound cheats can add an extra layer of fun and excitement to your gaming experience.