Pokémon Emerald Sky is a remake of Pokémon Emerald with breathtaking graphics. It has also improved the difficulty level, new features and some changes in layout. It is a good game for those who want to challenge themselves with an old-school Pokémon adventure.
It is a Pokemon ROM/Game hack by Marcom. Having so many new pokemon of different types are available. The player has to explore the region of Rijon. It is a good game for those who want to challenge themselves with an old-school Pokémon adventure which includes battles and training pokemon, going on quests or exploring dungeons, visiting islands etc.
About The Author: Marcom was born in Kolkata but now lives in Bangalore where he works as computer engineer by profession. His interests are designing software projects and playing games online at PokerStars review. Apart from these two things his other interest include travelling all around India on bike trips and solving tough mathematical problems like finding out pi using an infinite series method or partitioning numbers into intervals that have equal number.
Game File Info of Pokemon Emerald Sky RMXP:
- Game Name: Pokemon Emerald Sky Version
- Platform: RPG Maker XP
- Language: French
- Release: Beta
Complete Walkthrough of Pokémon Emerald Sky:
As a naive child, you will have just moved to the Littleroot Town located in the Hoenn Region. Your move out follows the setting up of everything. After settling in, you will need to explore the new surroundings and make friends. Your first encounter is your neighbour who also happens to be a professor’s daughter- May!
It takes some time for this game to get started as there are number of tutorials that help you understand the basics such as how to catch Pokémon and what it takes to become an expert trainer. You can connect with other players via Wi-Fi or local wireless connection, trade Pokémon etc. There are three versions of this game which feature different themes – Ruby Sky (a remake of Red), Sapphire Sky (a remake) and Emerald Sky. The latest version features breathtaking graphics with improved difficulty level from previous ones making it suitable for gamers who want tough battles.
The Three Starter Pokemon are given to you at start of the game. You can also encounter a wide variety of other Pokemon in the wild which you could capture and add to your team. Also, try Pokemon Hyper Emerald V4 Download (Working 100%)
The storyline is similar to that of Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald where player starts his/her journey as an aspiring trainer with one goal- become champion! As player moves around he will come across many challenges such as battling gym leaders or fighting against criminals who want to steal pokemon eggs or rare stones called Jadite, Saphire etc. The first major difference from previous versions is that game becomes much tougher than before so it’s no longer possible for players without grinding experience to get ahead quickly by capturing only easy monsters. Also there are some new features like Twitch integration lets you stream your gameplay online while another feature makes it.
Graphics are Changed:
This time the graphics of Pokemon Sky Version of Emerald is changed from Original Pokemon Emerald Game. It is not just a remake of old game with same graphics, it’s completely new.
Some minor changes in Pokémon Emerald Sky are:- Different Trainer sprites- Changes to the layout of some maps- New cutscenes at endgame that allow players to catch all three legendary birds and Latios or Latias if they didn’t do so earlier.- Some Gen IV moves have been added for certain pokemon. Also, try Pokemon Altered Emerald ROM Download (Working 100%)
New Features:
There are many features which makes Pokemon Emerald different from other games . Few Major ones are listed below –
With you gaming devices you can come live on Twitch and integrate it. Twitch integration lets you stream your gameplay online while another feature makes it possible for viewers on twitch to choose what happens next in the story! You can also earn points by watching other people play their games too.
Meet with Professor:
On the way to a new avenue, you subsequently meet an unconcerned member of society being attacked by a tame Pokemon. It turns out to be Professor Birch, who is being attacked by a Poochyena. You have the option of either attacking it yourself or letting him do so with his Pokemon.
This game has some really enjoyable features and graphics for an old school pokemon adventure! I would recommend this game if you are looking to get back in touch with your nostalgic childhood memories from playing pokemon on Gameboy! It was easy, fun and challenging at times which made me want to keep going through the storyline. The battles were tough but fair – not too difficult as there were always ways around any disadvantageous situations that happened during battle time . One thing I didn’t like about the gameplay was having access only one save file instead of multiple slots.
Whenever you move forward in the area get some advice from Professor.
Overall, it’s a great game with lots of nostalgic pokemon encounters to make you feel like your childhood again! The graphics are breathtaking and the difficulty level is just right – not too hard that makes player frustrated but also not easy enough for players to breeze through. Also, try Pokemon Delta Emerald Download (Working 100%)
It would be good if there was more dialogue in-game during battles or exploring new areas as well as an increase in map size . It seems usually anything new I found on the map didn’t have much content other than some random NPC trainers and Pokémon trainer battles which made me wonder what else could possibly be hidden away from us.
Difficulty Level:
Overall difficulty level of the game is enhanced and now some missions are difficult to complete. The difficulty level is just right – not too hard that makes player frustrated but also not easy enough for players to breeze through. It would be good if there was more dialogue in-game during battles or exploring new areas as well as an increase in map size. Also, try Pokemon Mega Emerald X and Y Edition Download (Working 100%)
It seems usually anything new I found on the map didn’t have much content other than some random NPC trainers and Pokémon trainer battles which made me wonder what else could possibly be hidden away from us. The difficulties were fair so anyone can enjoy this game regardless of age or skill level because Pokemon games never stop being fun no matter how many.
Screenshots of the Gameplay: